What are the Best Nutrients to Use for Cannabis Plants is a question many new growers will have. The answer will depend on many things. Mainly what medium you are growing cannabis in, and what your budget is. In most cases you will use bottled nutrients for growing cannabis. But in some cases, if you’re growing full organic, you may not need any at all!
Choosing the best nutrients for cannabis plants in your grow is not easy, so in this episode we cover everything you need to know! Before starting here though, make sure you have chosen the right medium for growing cannabis for you! When you’re growing in the right medium, you can choose what nutrients are best.
You can listen to our episode on the what are the best nutrients to use for cannabis plants right here! Just click on the play button and the episode will begin
On the other hand, you can listen to this episode of our cannabis podcast later by downloading it from your favourite podcasting network. Click the buttons below for the links to this episode on itunes and Spotify. But if you prefer another network just search for High on Home Grown and you will find us.
Need Help Choosing What Nutrients are Best for Growing Cannabis Plants?
If you need help choosing what nutrients are best for growing cannabis plants in your grow room, then why not join our cannabis growers forum? You can head to Percys Grow Room and sign up absolutely free! There you will find hundreds of experienced cannabis growers who can help you decide what is right for you.
There are also some great grow guides at Percys Grow Room. Everything you need to know about growing cannabis is there for you. And it is all 100% free! If you want to learn how to grow cannabis, Percys Grow Room is the best place to go. Join us and thousands more growers in the forum! We will see you there.