Soil for growing cannabis is far more of a complicated subject then you initially think. There are many, many different types of soil for growing cannabis. Potting soil, super soil, living soil, soil from the garden, soil you can build yourself and so much more! Different types of soil will have different pros and cons for growing cannabis. In this episode of our cannabis podcast we discuss what those difference are.
For this episode, we dig deep into different types of soil. We discuss things such as, the different types of soil, the nutrient content of different soils, and the benefits of using different soils. Everything you need to know is in this episode.
By the end of this homegrown cannabis podcast episode you will be able to decide what soil is best for your cannabis grow! So start listening now and find out. You can press play on the player below to listen to this episode right here on this page:
On the other hand, if you prefer, you can download this episode from all major podcasting platforms. But if you use iTunes or Spotify, then you can download this episode right here! Just click on one of these buttons:
Best Soil for Growing Cannabis
The best soil for growing cannabis will differ depending on your own personal situation. If you need help deciding what is best for you, then come to cannabis growers forum on Percys Grow Room and ask for help! At Percys Grow Room you will find hundreds of experienced cannabis growers. Each and everyone of them will be more than happy to help you learn how to grow cannabis.
So just head there sign up for free, and start a thread with whatever questions you have. There is always someone around to help and the community is very friendly. So don’t be shy, come and join us! It would be great to have you there.