Books for growing cannabis is the topic for this episode of our cannabis podcast. In this episode we talk all about books to buy to learn to grow cannabis. These are books we as panel members own and would recommend to everyone who listens to the show.
We talk about Jorge Cervantes new book, Ed Rosenthal’s new book, and the “Teaming With” series from Jeff Lowenfels. We also cover some great listener mail questions towards the end of the show too so stay tuned for those.
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Books for Growing Cannabis
There are so many awesome books to help you learn how to grow cannabis. Many of the authors of these books we have had on our podcast for interviews. Even though everything you need to know about growing cannabis can be found online, books are still a great addition to your collection. There is a lot of information in this episode, but if you need any extra help, or maybe even have some guidance to add, then feel free to join us on our cannabis growers forum!
Percys Grow Room has hundreds of experienced cannabis growers, who are always happy to help. So sign up and start a new thread. You will see how friendly our community is. If you have any questions or need any help at all with your grow, then please come and join us.